We help your business to be found easily by the local 

Local SEO

If you are running a local business having a physical location to serve the locale or your target market is only in one or two cities, then nationwide targeting the whole Malaysia can be too generic. You will be facing unnecessary competition from big market players.

For example, you are having a small locksmith business in Kuala Lumpur. You want people to find you when they search for locksmith service. If people from Johor Bahru finding your website, but potential clients in Kuala Lumpur are not. Your website is not relevant to people from Johor Bahru, it’s a waste of their time and you might be loose out potential customers without targeting correctly.

It is crucial to understand your business market area in order to strategise effective and targeted SEO planning. We will help you to plan:

  1. Local SEO
  2. Google My Business
  3. Local Directories listing
search engine optimization

We Can Help You Show Up In These 3 Key Places:

Google Local SEO Local Business Listing


Here’s what we’ll do:

  • Keyword research. We start by finding out what your potential customers searching for. We research very specific phrases — should your site say you offer “house cleaning” or “eco-friendly house cleaning”? Which is more popular? Which has more competition?
  • Website optimization. Now we check your website to see if you’re using those winning keywords in the right places. If not, we add them in a non-obnoxious way.
  • Content creation. Do you blog regularly? Do you have your services spelled out in detail anywhere on your site? We can help you with both.
  • Content promotion. Real talk: No one will read your blog posts if they just sit there. We push them out on social media and relevant online communities, using ad dollars if the situation calls for it.
  • Link acquisition. Time to get high-quality sites to link to yours! We reach out to other webmasters if the site is trustworthy (we’ll never get you spammy links).
  • Conversion optimization. With simpler, better navigation, we help you turn people from passive website visitors into customers.


How much does this cost?

Our monthly retainer ranges from $1,000 to $2,000, depending on which services you need. Our hourly rate for consulting is $115.

Will this work for me?

We won’t work with you if we don’t think we can get you results. We vet our clients almost as much as our clients vet us! We can’t promise we’ll get your website to the #1 spot in Google, but chances are you’ll be very happy with our work. We have a 95% client retention rate, which should tell you something about our success rate.

How soon will I see results?

We’ll be honest: It takes a little while. Google doesn’t reflect changes instantly (in fact, it’s pretty slow). We’ll lay the groundwork in the first two months, and then you’ll probably start seeing results in month 3 and 4. By month 5 and 6, you’ll definitely see results.

Do you guarantee results?

Yes and no. No one can predict Google and when its algorithm changes. We could work hard to get you onto the first page of Google, only to have them tweak how they do things the next day. But generally yes, you will most likely love the results we get you. We’re extremely motivated to get you more leads, and we have almost a decade of experience doing just that.

Do I have to pay a start-up fee?

Nope! Once you pay the first month’s retainer, we get to work.

How long is the commitment?

We ask you commit to working with us for six months, because it can take that long to see major results in search engines, depending on the state of your website. After six months, you can cancel anytime — your contract becomes month-to-month then. If you only want consulting services, those are month-to-month.

How do I know if it’s working?

Every month, we’ll send you a report with data from Google Analytics and other analytics engines. This report will spell out how much traffic your site received, how many people clicked, how many leads you got through your website, and so on. We’ll also spell out next steps and strategy for the next month.

Do you have references?

Yes! You’re more than welcome to contact any of our existing clients. We’re very proud of our work. If you’d like to talk to a client specifically about our SEO services, just ask.

How soon can you start?

Almost immediately! Once you sign the contract and pay the first month’s retainer, we spring into action.

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