
Website maintenance services


Our website maintenance services range from updates, performance, security, fixes, downtime monitoring, daily back up and migration.

Our services enable you to keep the information and security of your website always be up-to-date.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why I need to have website maintenance regularly?

Updating and maintain your website with fresh content will gain loyalty from your visitors and provide them with a good visitor experience.

Your visitors will always have the right information about your products and services so that it will increase your sales.

How long does it take to get my changes made after I submit a maintenance request?

We typically complete the requested maintenance within 3 business days, although most of the time we can get to it within 24 hours (on weekdays).

The question I'm seeking about this website maintenance service is not found. What can I do?

You can just contact us by sending an enquiry. You can also call us at and ask for your questions. We would love to talk and solve your problems.

How do I know how many hours is required to work on the website?

Whenever you need any updates on your website you can simply give us your requirement in advance, we would calculate the same & give you an estimate of the number of hours required to do the job.

Will unused number of hours in a month be carried to the next month?

As the packages are on monthly recurring basis, number of unused hours will not be carried forward to the next month.

How can I start with website maintenance services?

You just need to tell us what you need to update, we will estimated the estimated time or costs to maintenance your website, and which website maintenance package suitable to your needs.

If you don’t want to do the work of maintaining your website yourself, you can hire someone like us to do it for you. We are your website doctors to help you from design, regular maintenance, back up, website downtime monitoring to security fix.

The cost of hiring a webmaster will vary depending on your services required and the type of site that you’re running, but no matter what site you run it’s very important that you choose a webmaster that is accessible trustworthy, and capable. Your webmaster will be granted access to most, if not all, aspects of your website and its operation, so it’s very important that you hire someone who won’t break your site, so make sure to check references.

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